Communications Technology Blog by Ronco

Your 5 Second Read on Why IM Matters.

Written by Liz Sujka | 3/3/17 4:34 PM

It's kind of funny to ask but, what would life be like without texting?   Could you even imagine buying a brand new mobile phone today that didn't have any measure of texting capability?  NO... and why you ask?  It's because the world processes things at different speeds these days. There's a certain expectation that comes with instant messaging and typically that is fast and easy communication-a simple message requiring a simple response without having to lift up a handset. 

This is the reason that your business needs instant messaging (IM).  In its simplest form, IM is like texting.  It can get a quick message to someone without a great deal of words or formalities.  Sure, if everyone is always working within earshot of one another, this is not a necessary feature.  However, if that isn't the case, it is REALLY convenient to be able to send a message quickly and efficiently to anyone, anywhere and move on to the next item on the task list.  

A quick story of how IM saved the day here at Ronco.  I sent an email authorizing the expedited purchasing of an expensive item necessary for a customer support case.  A mere moment later, the customer called back and explained it was no longer necessary. While on the phone with the customer I was able to connect with our ordering personnel at the other end of the building and request they stop the order.  It all worked out, and that quick, light communication was what made the difference.  

Of course there are many other applications where IM works within a unified communications solution that include even more features and results.  If you are at all interested in seeing how some or all of these features can benefit your business, contact us today for a free business consultation!