Communications Technology Blog by Ronco

Creating a “New Normal” with Adaptive Technology for Group Communication

Written by Emmi Sauls | 5/14/20 6:35 PM

As businesses begin to consider the phases of re-opening, it is necessary to think about how social distancing guidelines can be implemented with minimal impact to daily operations. For some, it's keeping staff, students or guests in communication while being spread further apart. For others, it's navigating how to stream content to large audiences via Wi-Fi. Partnered with Listen Technologies, we can help your business implement solutions designed to overcome these challenges and enrich group communication. 

How To Engage Groups From a Safe Distance

For many, the idea of restructuring operations to adhere to the six-foot rule is a daunting feat. With a powerful wireless group communication tool, like ListenTALK, it doesn't have to be! This mobile collaboration system delivers clear, encrypted audio to a group that is spread out up to 200 meters - yes, that's two football fields. 

For on-site facility collaboration, like group training sessions and facility tours, or leisure applications, like museums tours, campus tours, corporate tours and bus tours, these devices allow the particpants to maintain their distance from one another while staying connected with the trainer or tour guide. The applications for these devices are endless from sales presentations and corporate events to re-imagined trade shows and outdoor demonstrations.

With one-way or two-way communication options, participants can stay in listen-only mode, or presenters can enable back and forth engagement. With cell-phone quality audio, you can trust that each device-user is receiving a crystal-clear connection. 

How To Stream Content to Audiences

Listen EVERYWHERE, a Wi-Fi streaming solution designed initially for assistive listening, can now be reimagined for businesses looking to stream content to their consumers. From a free Android or iPhone application, guests can stream content from multiple sources in or near your venue. This solution uses a venue’s existing wireless network, has ultra-low latency, and can accommodate 1,000 users per server.

With the option to add personalized scrolling banners, the application quickly becomes an invaluable data source for your guests. You can upload announcements, advertisements, programs and more to the customized menuing. 

For restaurants, reusable menus become an issue with new reopening guidelines. Save on the cost of going the disposable route by uploading a PDF of your menu right into the Listen EVERYWHERE application. Not only can the guest now use the app to choose which in-house TV they'd like to listen to, but they can also access your food, beverage and even retail options available for purchase. This application can be extended to waiting rooms, casinos, hotels, airports and conferences. 

For houses of worship, gathering for weekly services must be reimagined. With the option to stream your message directly to the phones or tablets of each member, you can consider drive-in services as a temporary fix until regular congregations are allowed. This application can be extended to school districts struggling with how to handle graduation ceremonies.

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